Once you find an openly-licensed resource (an image, a lesson, a unit, etc.), how do you decide whether you are going to use it in class or not?

The questions below, adapted from Achieve, suggest some aspects you may want to consider when evaluating the quality of teaching and learning resources.

Quality of explanation of the subject matter

  • How thoroughly is the subject matter explained?

  • Are the main ideas clearly identified for the students?

Utility of materials designed to support teaching

  • Are materials comprehensive and easy to understand and use?

  • Are suggestions for ways to use the materials with a variety of learners included?

Quality of technological interactivity

  • If interactive, is this feature purposeful and directly related to learning?

  • If interactive, do materials create an individualised learning experience (i.e. do they adapt to students based on what they do?)

Opportunities for deeper learning

  • Do materials engage students in working collaboratively, thinking critically and solving complex problems, learning how to learn, communicating effectively, etc.?

Assurance of accessibility

  • Are the materials fully accessible for ALL students, i.e. visually impaired, print disabled, etc.?

Source: Rubrics for Evaluating Open Education Resource (OER) Objects by Achieve, CC BY 3.0

What aspects do you consider when you are evaluating a resource for teaching? Share your experiences and thoughts in the forum below.

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